Posted inLife Stories

Guess Who Made A Video!


This past week can only be described in one word…  Heeectic!

(Please ignore the smile on my face).

Let’s say I have been going up and down all week, with to-do lists longer than the school cafeteria line at lunchtime. My sleeping time has now graduated to 2 am, when it once was midnight. So not only am I sleeping at ungodly hours, but I am also not having my recommended 8 hours of sleep.

And do you know how bad that is?  It’s worse than having less than 8 glasses of water every day. Very, very bad.

Have you ever been so busy you couldn’t do the things you enjoy doing every day?  Like meditate in the morning. Read your favorite Kenyan blogs. Catch up with Jackson’s latest articles. Do a downward dog. Have you?

If you said no then blessed are you… for the Internet is all yours!

I shan’t blame my hectic schedule solely on schoolwork or my lecturers. I mean sure, they have this bad habit of making every major assignment due on the last weeks of the semester. Talk about two weeks of extreme stress and burnout.

There’s also been personal projects. This blog and replying to your very nice comments. My radio show and uploading recordings online. (Yup, I’m doing that now). You know what, for that let’s throw a party!

I seriously need one.

I’m also on this personal mission to post a photo on Instagram every other day. Who knew editing photos could be such a hustle. If only photos could come programmed with their own perfect filters…

I guess you can say my photographer genes have been awakened. I am inspired to brighten and enlighten your Instagram eyes. And my handle is… Naah that’s too easy. You’ll have to find it yourself.

So where were we? Ah yes, my recent stressful life.

But hey, you have to work now so you can play later. Travel to Diani and other beautiful beaches,. But there is one thing that took the cake by the ocean for the most hectic activity I have done this whole week. Probably even month.

It was a simple class assignment.

Make a short YouTube video introducing yourself. All you require is a good camera and a few good questions. Simple right?


Nobody bothered to mention the tedious editing and uploading part. That you had to download strange video editing software and learn how to use it in one night. You don’t even want to know the number of applications I installed (and uninstalled) on my PC just for this one project.

I almost gave up the task to somebody else who was actually experienced in this Adobe business. But then I asked myself, what if they didn’t do the job I wanted? What if they failed to actualize the vision I had for my first ever video?

This had to be done by me.

And so I did. Until 2 am in the morning. The only help I got was in the video shoot. And from some pals over there on YouTube. They taught me how to use this foreign software called Windows Movie Maker, while others distracted me with their entertaining videos.

In the end, did I complete the major assignment?  Did I present it in class in front of my peers and lecturer? Did my long hard work impress them? Or did the cheesy dialogue leave a bad taste in their mouth?

Well, you’ll just have to ask them.

I only wish somebody had warned me earlier that growing up is this hard. I’d have probably boycotted to remain a little innocent girl.

Even though this busy adult life is tough, you simply have to adjust. Learn how to manage your time more carefully. Make sacrifices, like no more watching new episodes every single night. Though I don’t follow that many series anyway. Only anime.

No more wasting your limited time on social media either, for even a single moment. (Okay, maybe only on break times). You learn to use every spare minute you have to do something constructive. That way, you almost utilize the less-than-24 hours of the day.

So after several painstaking hours of editing (basically my whole weekend) here is the final result. My first ever YouTube video. I made it for a grade, but maybe you’ll learn something about me.

I’ll let you be the judge. But please be nice. Don’t be like Judge Ian.

Disclaimer: With me sharing my amateur video with you like this, it means I trust you. So don’t go telling other people I made a video about myself that’s online. It could be bad for business, you know.


Stay productive folks.

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8 years ago

Going unmasked I see

8 years ago

Way to go Joy. TV and Radio look out for Joy…. next video you should sing…😊

Fred Anyona
8 years ago

I love this video and this new voice that you have found within to share with us your journey.
Good stuff, and you should do renditions .


My girl at her best.Proud of you hun

8 years ago

nice progress…my gal all the best…

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